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tv   America This Morning  ABC  December 16, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PST

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breaking news this morning, the massacre in pakistan. dozens murdered bit taliban. the gunman storming a school, killing students and wounding many others. we have the latest. manhunt underway. a man is on the run. the intense search at this hour. towns are on lockdown terrifying moments caught on camera. a police officer trying to make an arrest when the suspect suddenly floors it in reverse. the cop dragged by the car. how he was able to still catch the thief. and junk in the trunk. let me explain. an elephant taking out the trash. a helpful pachyderm picking up garbage.
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and good tuesday morning to you all. the deadly rampage at a school in pakistan. dozens of victims. >> reports from the city say at least 86 people, most students, have been killed this morning when taliban gunmen stormed the school run by the military. chief minister of the province said roughly the same number of students have been wounded. >> pakistani army commandos arrived quickly after the attack started, exchanged gunfire with the gunmen dressed in security officers' uniforms. it continued for some time, but the situation is now under control. >> we have been watching images of children being treated for injuries and emotional parents on the scene. and it has been the frequent target of attacks in the past, but was relatively calm. >> and prime minister david cameron saying it's horrifying that children are being killed for going to school.
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>> and dozens killed. stay withabc for the very latest and full update coming up later on "good morning america." now to the other big story happening now. the intense manhunt underway in philadelphia after a shooting spree that left six people dead. >> police looking for this man. an ex-marine that is considered extremely dangerous. police say bradley stone shot his ex-wife in the head after killing five of her family members including a 14-year-old niece. right now have we have abc's susan saulny with the latest details tracking the search. >> reporter: several towns outside philadelphia remain on lockdown after a shooting spree across several locations left six people dead, sparking a massiveman hundredth. on the loose, the suspect 35-year-old former marine sergeant bradley stone. considered armed and dangerous. police have confirmed that stone had a family connection to all six victims. >> we do not know where he is. we do not have vehicle information.
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>> reporter: the deadly rampage began at 3:30 monday morning when stone allegedly went to a house in sauderton, pennsylvania, and killed his ex-wife's sister, her husband and their 14-year-old daughter. their 17-year-old son was injured but survived. next authorities responded to a 911 call in nearby lansdale, and found two more bodies. stone's former mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law. police then suspect he went to his ex-wife's house in allower s salford and shot her to death. >> i heard gunshots and i heard the kids yelling mommy, no, no. >> she was a sweet girl. her mom was always over here helping her. >> reporter: neighbors called 911 and reported seeing stone taking his two daughters from the house in their pajamas. he delivered the girls, unharmed, to a neighbor before fleeing. they are looking at a wooded area where he may be hiding. some businesses and schools are staying closed for the day. the police are describing stone as extremely dangerous and asking the public to call 911 if anyone sees him.
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susan saulny, abc news, washington. and sadness and tears across sydney, australia, this morning, shaken by the violent end to the 16 hour standoff that claimed the lives of the gunman and his hostages. tory johnson was killed reportedly trying to take the gun from him. and also killed was katrina dawson, a lawyer and mother of three. and prime minister tony abbott was among the mourners. abc's david wright is there. >> reporter: the fear is balanced now by a show of unity and resilience. all day long people coming to martin place to lay flowers. as you can see, it is an impressive pile. after 16 tense hours, it was all over in a flash. the australia s.w.a.t. team tossing stun grenades, storming
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the cafe where the gunman had holed up with his hostages. the gunman, now identified as man haran monis was in the cafe, taking 14 hostages. he forced them to press their hands against the windows to block the snipers outside. tv broadcast these chills images, the hostages in tears. raising a jihadi flag. on it, the muslim profession of faith. and the gunman demanding an isis flag and the chance to speak with the australian prime minister. >> he's only asking field goal for -- for a flag and phone call, that's it. >> the whole thing unfolding live in front of the tv cameras. >> they made the call, because they believed at that time if they didn't enter, there would have been many more lives lost. >> reporter: the hostages,
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finally free, carried to safety. two killed in the melee. katrina dawson, a lawyer. and tory johnson who witnessed say died trying to heroically unarm the gunman. >> this is an appalling incident. these were decent people. going about their ordinary lives. it's about as incident a thing as anyone can do, to go and grab a cup of coffee before the working day is fully started. >> reporter: david wright, abc news, sydney. new corn in california as rain is falling again on those unstable hillsides. take a look at the overnight radar. showing spotty rain up and down the state. the rain is expected to continue for two days as the first of two new storm systems moves in. and several spinouts when drivers were caught by surprise. several communities putting out
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sandbags after last weekend. california homeowners are worried about new mudslides. here in the camarillo springs, they are digging out. roads, garages and other structures crushed by falling rock. the vegetation burned away on the slopes has them hanging on by a thread, and they could be crashing down. >> and carolinas up to new england, showers. and snow flurries in and around the great lakes. investigators in los angeles have released two videos showing men they want to talk to about the massive fire at a construction site last week. one showed a man seemingly trying to climb over a fence. he's pulled away by fire fighters. this is the second video. shows another man walking on a dark street near the scene. the men are not considered suspects, but authorities want to talk to them both. former florida governor jeb bush looking and sounding like a presidential candidate. he was in the key primary state
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of south carolina delivering a commencement address yesterday. and he plans to publish an ebook on his vision for the country. and the jewish winter holiday starts tonight, hanukkah. >> celebrates the victory over oh pregnan oppression in the second century b.c. it has the potato pancakes and the spinning of the dreidel. >> and the first lady was at the children's hospital. >> the first lady sat down and read the night before christmas to the children and their care givers. asked what she wanted for christmas, the first lady wanted to sleep late and wanted a new pair of christmas pjs. >> that's what you have on your christmas list. >> don't we all want the nice new christmas pjs?
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coming up in the pulse, the one minute workout. and the lava flow in hawaii, now creeping closer to a gas station. >> and what seth rogan and james franco have to say about the sony cyber attacks and if their new movie should take the blame.
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. the death toll from the general the death toll from the general motors ignition defect is up again. four new claims are approved, raising the number of deaths directly tied to the problem to 42. the defective switches can abruptly turn off energies as
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well as power steering and air bags. as many as 2.6 older cars may be affected. the deadline to file claims is the end of january. and gas prices continue to plunge as oil production is ramping up, now gas is $2.55. down 13 cents from a week ago and 69 cents cheaper than last year. it's below $2 a gallon in 16 -- 13 states. more evidence it's getting more expensive to fly. u.s. airlines collected a billion dollars in baggage fees, helping them post a $3.1 billion profit. they made the same as a year ago. and walmart recently unveiled a doll of new york knick carmelo anthony. one problem, that is not carmelo anthony. this is former knick guard jeremy lin. the listing has even the name mixed up. they call him anthony carmelo. lin hasn't been on the knicks
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for two years. it's easy to mix this up. these two look quite alike. i can see the mistake now. >> maybe collectors items. >> they will be. when we come back, shocking video. a suspect dragging a police officer with a car. the harrowing moments caught on camera. and delivery dud. what fedex is saying about this. is your package in this mess? a two words: it heals.e different?
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rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. we givecold your you give them the giggles. tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol® welcome back. drivers in northern minnesota and wisconsin should look out for icy roads. roads will be wet from the great lakes across to new england and down to the carolinas and also into the northwest. drivers in central and southern california watch out for flooding. airport delays possible in chicago, minneapolis, san francisco and los angeles. bill cosby's wife of 50 years is speaking out in defense of her husband over drugging and
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sex allegations. >> camille cosby saying the man i met and fell in love with and continue to love is the man you all knew through his work. he is the man you thought you knew. and criticizing the media, saying there appears to be no vetting of my husband's accusers before the stories are published or aired. and sony pictures bracing for another blow with the hacking scandal to get even bigger, possibly. the group claiming responsibility for leaking embarrassing e-mails about some of hollywood's biggest stars say the worst is yet to come. the stars behind the comedy about north korea that may have started it all, seth rogan and james franco say they have no regrets. >> it is weird. we wanted to make a funny, entertaining movie. and the movie itself is very silly and it wasn't meant to be controversial in any way. >> the upcoming leak promised to put sony in, quote, the worst place yet. sony is asking abc and other outlets not to publish any hacked data. terrifying moments for a washington state police officer
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caught on camera. sergeant fred douglas was shopping at a target on his break when a call came in about shoplifting. he raced to the parking lot to find the suspected thieves putting items in their car. as he tried to make an arrest, one of the suspects dragged him from the car. >> that's a deadly force situation there. and i felt like, obviously, my life was in danger. because i had no control over it. >> he was able to get the guy down with the help of another officer and a taser. a grocery store on the big island of hawaii is preparing to close now that lava from a nearby volcano is creeping closer. officials say the lava will reach a grocery store and a gas station in about a week. it began at the end of june and has been threatening the town of pahoa since. talk about bad timing. a fedex truck flipped and
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dropped its load on the busiest day of the year. hundreds of boxes were scattered on a new jersey highway. the driver said he was avoiding a tire in the road when one of the tandem trailers overturned. they retrieved the packages and got them back on their way. now to sports. >> turn to last night's high lites. starting with monday night football. turn to the guys from the espn. >> he's stan, i'm neil, two big sports stories. this is the "sportscenter" set in los angeles. >> first, monday night football. saints and bears. the saints trying to take over first place in the nfc south. no one wants to win it. drew brees trying to get there. saints lost four of five coming in. mostly due to slow starts. they got started quickly. brees to marcus colston. four different receivers had five catches for the saints as brees spread the ball around. hooked up with hill. a second tut. a second touchdown. 29 of 36, 3 touchdowns, no interceptions. and in the fourth quarter, up 24-8. mark ingram finishes the job. saints win it 31-15.
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they're 6-8, all alone in first place in the south. a lot of good nba games on monday. this one, unbelievable. jabari parker. this part is unbelievably bad. oh, no. a man down. sprained knee, did not return. don't know anymore than that. this is the part that is memorable also. under 4 seconds left, the bucks down one. they had gone back and forth, the bucks and suns. possession, possession, possession. chris middleton, last possession, called by assistant coach eric hughes. the bucks win by two. >> what a game there. >> yeah. and listen, cleveland scored the first 21 against charlotte, and charlotte made it a 2-point game. and kevin love looked like the next quarterback for the browns. we have to be out of the time. >> that's extra information. it's a bonus. a major leaguer on the move has done some quick work on his
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avatar. the reviews are mixed. >> this is what brandon mccarthy did. signed a $48 million deal. he went and did this. he was excited for the trade, turned the pinstripes to dodger blue. maybe he can update it and get it right. he just did a quick little coloring in job. and they gave him a hard time about it. for what he did. >> so much for team spirit, huh? >> he's going to be all right. coming up, the highlight reel that's so bad, it's good. a high school football players underwhelming recruitment video. and the one minute work out. does it really work? "the pulse," up next. ecruitment video. and the one minute work out. does it really work? "the pulse," up next.
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try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. zyrtec-d®. i have the worst cold with this runni better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously?
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alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is. time now time now to check "the pulse." and we start with giving credit to a high school bench warmer who's thinking big.
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>> this is good stuff. he's number 87. yeah, you saw him on the bench there. there is his recruitment showcase video. it's going viral. jack's a little guy. 5'11", 145 pounds. >> the video shows jack standing on the sidelines with his teammate. the only play he's showing, he is thrown a pass, which he drops. and he's only entertaining division i offers from colleges. of course. >> this is funny. another kid with pro football ambitions now has the seal of approval from j.j. watt. >> the houston texan defensive lineman tweeted these photos. these were a letter and a signed jersey from a pint-size fan. the 7-year-old explains he signed his jersey so watt would have it when he becomes famous in the nfl just like watt. >> watt wears the same number 99. he loved the gesture and kid has
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some guts. >> chutzpah. >> chutzpah. you got to have it. the results of a new study seem too good to be true. researchers say one minute of high intensity exercise can improve your health. it was small, 14 patients. 14 patients, what? but the results were impressive after six weeks. >> they improved their endurance by 12% and had generally lower blood pressure. but experts say don't expect the 30 second workout any time soon. >> that's a shame. i would buy into the one minute workout. or a five minute work out. willing to compromise. turn to humans now. we could take a lesson from an african elephant. after aing a quick snack from a nearby tree, she cleans up her compound. depositing litter in the garbage can. she worked at it. >> it's possible that the elephant was trained to pick up her trash. but that would put her ahead of many people on the planet. on the other hand you might say this trash collector works for peanuts. >> i was hoping you weren't going to read it.
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i was hoping you were going to skip that. >> why would i do that? for some of you, your local news is next. >> for the rest of you, secret santa's big surprise. local news is next. >> for the rest of you, secret santa's big surprise. not caused by a heart valve problem. gular hear i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding,
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40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good tuesday morning. it is 4:28. thanks for starting your day with us. >> i am eric thomas. leyla gulen good to have you back. after your extended vacation. >> is that what being really sick is called? >> just kidding. we know you had a terrible cold. it has been going around. today? >> i'm good. >> it is raining. it will be with us for a while. >> the commute will be scattered. then it will become heavier headed later in the week. >> glad you are feeling better. we have scattered showers this morning. headed to the mid-afternoon and
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the evening, it will be steady. it will be heavy. line rain is falling now with temperatures in the low 50's. we are in the upper 50's by noon with a brief period of dry weather and mid-50's with the heavy rain and breezy condition. in the mid-afternoon and the evening we could see more flooding and ponding and more mud and rock slides. >> a familiar story. >> how does it look? >> we experience a couple of spinouts and hopefully it will be wet but not wild ride to work. the bay bridge toll plaza shows it is calm. certainly slick conditions. expect to see ponding on the roads. that could mean hydroplaning and solo spinouts. did you not realize how deep the drive on the slower side. the san mateo bridge is moving smoothly. no problems on the bridge. there will be other folks
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getting interest accidents. stay a good distance away from everyone else. >> hopefully we have gotten used to that. >> another wet morning means another tough commute. amy hollyfield is in the east bay. seen any heavy rain, amy? >> we are experiencing rain right new. there has been so much. the problems are adding you. crews have responded to highway 24 over concerns of a mudslide in the westbound lane before the tunnel. they say boulders landed if the slow lane. they cleared it out. they are worried the rest of the hillside will give but cannot address it. it is a fragile situation. it is very wet here. look what happened while you sleeping, rain coming do


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